Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Super Duper Immune Booster! (bum bah da baaaahhhm!!!)

I’m beginning to believe I was even a little too ambitious saying that I would post twice a week, since you can see that obviously hasn’t happened yet… In my defense though, it’s been a very long and very crazy week. What have I been up to? Oh you know, cooking enough food to feed the masses. 200 people to be exact. I was hired to cater a wedding reception for a friend. Crepes bar. Mmmmm! I used over 10 dozen eggs, 1.5 gallons of milk, and approximately 8 pounds of sugar on these crepes alone. About 150 of each the savory and the sweet kind. My spatula and my pan were my only tools. Each crepe batch took an hour to whip up and to let rest, then another hour to crank out the actual crepes. Though, I did learn quite useful tips: savory crepes cook faster and look prettier than sweet crepes. My theory is that this is because of the sugar content in the sweet crepes The sugar caramelizes and makes the crepes have brown spots instead of a nice, even, beautiful shade of yellow like I expect them to have.

Also, I know I promised we were going to start on the 28 day Engine 2 Challenge… but this has yet to be done… It’s so hard! Seriously! My cravings for all things salt and crunchy are so incredibly strong… I need to find the strength to tell them to hush up and let me do my thing! 

My other problem is that I. Love. Food. So much. You know how people are all like, “Eat to live! Don’t live to eat!” Well, I think those people have OBVIOUSLY never had to struggle through prednisone. Those people have never graduated with a degree in delicious food. I am not one of those people.

Enough of my griping. Like I said, I just need to find the inner strength to tell prednisone to “Shut it,” and get on with it.

However, I am making baby steps in the right direction. I LOVE to give my morning a swift kick in the pants to get it moving. I do this by juicing. Now, I would love to tell you all of the benefits of juicing and how you can detox, energize, or boost your little white blood cells to fight off the evil germs of the day, but “Ain’t nobody gots time for that!!” Instead, I’m going to recommend that you watch “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”. It pretty much converted me to the power of juicing. Here’s the website, summary, and trailer. You can also watch the whole documentary on Netflix if you have that! And let’s all be honest here… You are probably like me and don’t crave the healthy things… I don’t like the way that a lot of vegetables taste. Especially beets. Bleh. No thanks. But see, with juicing, you can pretty well mask the taste of beets with oranges, pineapples, apples, and other strong and sweet tastes! 

In fact, here is my first and favorite way to start off the day: We will call it the Super Duper Immune Booster. (ummm, if anyone comes up with a better name, let me know! Haha)

It’s so simple. I took two apples, about a cup of pineapple, ¼ of a beetroot, 2-3 carrots (except I didn’t put it in the juice in these pictures because I was out… I need to do some grocery shopping! But it’s usually in this juice…) one peeled orange. Also, I don’t usually put kiwi in this recipe, but in this case I did. They were starting to look old and wrinkly so I needed to use them up...

So, just chop up your fruits and veggies to be able to fit into the chute, then start juicing away!

*sigh*...Just look at those beautiful colors...

I also very much love the taste of bananas. But as most of you could guess, there are some things that just don’t juice! So here’s what I do. I just juice everything else first, then pour the juice into my little knock-off bullet blender and give it a whirl. Voila!

Once you have made your juice cocktail, you are more than welcome to add some other things to it. Two of my favorites are raw chia seeds or ground golden Flaxmeal. This way, you get those healthy omega 3’s into your morning!

(side bar: the great thing about chia seeds is that when you soak them, they turn into this tapioca-like thing... It's such a healthy way to make "pudding"! But we will save that for another blog entry)

If you don’t have a juicer, I would definitely recommend investing in one. I know they are expensive, but the health benefits are awesome. You get to squeeeeeze all of those super nutrients out of your fruits and veggies and “eat” a plateful of life sustaining nutrients in just a couple gulps! Or, if you are like me and don’t like beets, this is your way of still getting all of the wonderful things beets offer, but not have to suffer through the taste! Also, I know another argument is that it’s wasteful. Here’s my solution: Get a chicken! Or a garden! Start composting! The scraps and pulp that come off you’re your juicer will give your garden some yummy nutrients. We have a chicken, and she goes crazy when we feed her the scraps. She just loves them! If you get a good enough juicer you will have very little, very dry scraps. My brother bought his new one and it’s very much like that. It also makes a pulpier product, which I love. I’m the kind of gal who buys OJ with extra pulp. Also, his gets the maximum nutrients and juice out of the things you put through it. It’s pretty awesome, I’m not going to lie. The juicer I have my sights set on is only about a couple grand… Pocket change… So yeah, unless I hit some sweepstakes, or the lottery, it’s probably never going to happen!  But that’s ok.

I just bought a juicing recipe book (and by bought I mean downloaded for free off Amazon…) so I’ll probably be doing the recipes on there for a while until my fridge clears out of all the things NOT allowed on this 28 day diet. Then we will re-group and get this started!!  There are only like… 50…. recipes to get through… no biggie… 

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Move Towards Healthy

**Word of warning: It was 1am when I wrote this, please excuse grammatical and spelling mistakes!**

Well, it's definitely been a while since I've been on here! I apologize! It was strange seeing that people still visited! So what have I been up to in the meantime? Well foodie friends, I am proud to announce that after many long hours and hard work, I am now an officially graduated baking and pastry chef!! 

See? I have proof.

But you know what the sad thing is? I'm trying to get healthier. This part is not sad. Healthy is ALWAYS a good thing. The sad part is that I just graduated with this degree in unhealthiness! Cupcakes, macarons, eclairs, croissants, and copious amounts of butter are not in my health plan...

See, in August 2010 I received a stem cell transplant, but soon after a lovely thing called Graft-VS-Host (GVHD) disease showed up. This is where my cells recognize foreign cells in my body (the transplant) and attack them, causing not-so-awesome side effects for me. It could show up literally anywhere in my body and it first showed in my skin and has stuck around for the past 2+ years. The solution to this? A lovely steroid called Prednisone. Well, if any of you are familiar with this drug, it really isn't so lovely. Long term consumption of it puts you at high risk for arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, muscles weakening, etc... So far I've escaped most of those, but have not escaped the lesser side effects, and thankfully the mostly reversible ones. Skin thinning, vein thinning (causing awful looking bruises with anything as soft as a feather...), super increased appetite (=weight gain!), mood swings, insomnia, and the list goes on. 

Now, imagine this increased appetite from the steroid...and going to culinary/baking school. Surrounded by the sweet aromas of creme brulees, pata choux, sizzling steaks next door in the Meat Fabrication class (a fancy name for butchering), and my personal favorite: ganache. Not many things smell better to me than butter and chocolate being melted by scalded milk... 

Well dear foodie friend, before I was put on prednisone, I weighed 145lbs. A very healthy weight for my 5ft 5in frame. I had ran and finished a half marathon in a little less than 4 hours! By the time I finished my 18 months at culinary school (with the addition of prednisone) I weighed in at a whopping 217lbs and got winded walking to the mailbox.

Christmas rolled around, and our annual trip to Florida to visit my grandma (dad's mom) came with it. My brother, Brandon, showed up in all his skinniness! I know he'd been increasing his activities and healthy way of living out in Seattle, but woah, he looked awesome! Super healthy! He was back down to his high school fitness, if not better! I wanted that for myself! So I started grilling him on diet tips and what he'd been doing! I knew he'd been doing the "kinda" vegan diet. "Kinda" because he would allow himself a cheat day here and there. (kind of like this TED talk by Graham Hill: Why I'm a Weekday Vegetarian) He also opened my mind to the world of juicing. I was intrigued. I started researching into it. I watched every documentary Netflix had on food: "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", "Forks over Knives", "Food Matters", "Hungry for Change", "Vegucated", all 14 of the TED talks they had about food in their "Chew on This" category... etc etc. The more I researched, the more it made sense to me. 

So without further adieu, I am proud to announce, after about 6 months of research, I'm finally making the switch over to the plant based, whole foods diet, starting with the 28-day Engine 2 Diet Challenge! I have also talked my husband into doing this with me! All of my good cooking has made him gain a few pounds as well... *ahem* And not to mention I kind of made him promise that he would always stay 5lbs heavier than me... yeaaahhhhh... Looking back, I blame prednisone for making me say that... 

**I've already been working on getting healthier since the beginning of 2013, and I'm so happy to tell you i've dropped down to under 200! Not by much though... This morning I weighed in at 199.8 haha!**

So, I'm ready and pumped about letting you all watch our journey through 28 days of plant based whole foods! We are starting this crazy excitement on Monday, May 13th, 2013! (We still get to cheat on Mother's Day, right??) Anyone want to join in? My goal is to post our progress as much as possible! Right now the overly ambitious voice in my head says, "Yah!! Post everyday!!", but the more rational side takes over and says, "Yah, that's not going to happen..." More likely it will be a minimum of two posts a week.

I so hope you will take this journey with me, and more importantly, help to keep me on track! I've got about 60lbs of prednisone to shed... Here we go!! And to track progress, we will start with a couple flattering "before" shots in my frumpy clothes:

(because frumpily clothed "before" shots always make the "after" shots look so much better ;))

And here is the body I want back:

!!Wish me luck!!